How to Turn Your WordPress Site into a Marketing Machine

You’ve launched your site and filled it with awesome content. Huzzah!! But… now what…?

How do you launch effective campaigns to get traffic and acquire new customers or leads? What tools will help you use WordPress to your advantage?

In this talk we’ll take you through ways you can leverage your WordPress site as an awesome inbound campaign hub for social media, content marketing, landing pages, behavioural calls-to-action and lead tracking. You’ll never look at your dashboard quite the same way again…

There’s something for everyone in this talk, though at minimum attendees should at least be comfortable with WordPress basics as a user or blogger.

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Gestion de communauté 101

Entre le marketing, les relations publiques, et le support client, la gestion de communauté demande un certain doigté et une certaine approche afin d’être profitable (que ce soit financièrement, stratégiquement, ou juste humainement). Au cours de cette présentation, je vous apprendrais à définir une stratégie de gestion de communauté, à créer un calendrier de publication, et comment optimiser votre présence sur les réseaux sociaux.

Tous niveaux sont bienvenus :)

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How to A/B Test with WordPress: Conversions Aren’t Just for Landing Pages

This is not a marketing presentation on how to get more conversions. In this presentation we’ll walk through best practices for integrating A/B testing tools and plugins like Visual Web Optimizer and Optimizely for WordPress. We will also look at how to properly setup template pages, embed tracking codes and how to manage your content and media for testing across multiple devices.

This presentation is suitable for intermediate designers, developers or marketing managers using WordPress.

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Use Content Marketing to Better Reach Your Ideal Audience

Content marketing is an effective way to increase readership, personal branding as a blogger, corporate brand awareness, search engine visibility, social media networking, and sales. Whether you’re using WordPress for blogging or to run your business website, two aspects must be understood to get the most out of it. These include the creation of appropriate content and second, making sure it reaches your target audience. During this session, attendees will discover key concepts and learn important tactics which they can implement right away to reach their ideal audience. Find out who wants to consume your content and how to beat the competition at figuring it out. Topics such as search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing will also be discussed. Relevant plugins and other online tools will be highlighted.

Some Internet marketing knowledge would be useful.

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Top Tips to Trigger Traffic

Want to draw people to your website? Simple changes can make a big difference in your site’s popularity. Discover ways to attract readers by tweaking your content structure, fine-tuning visuals, and maximize WordPress sharing tools. Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that isn’t subject to the whims of algorithm changes by employing the best plugins and learning how to keep your writing strong. You’ve got great content, now it’s time to share it with others effectively.

This presentation is perfect for beginner bloggers, and it can also benefit those who have had a site for years.

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Optimiser Google Analytics pour WordPress

Plusieurs plug-ins et options existent pour lier un site WordPress à Google Analytics, Google tag Manager et Webmaster Tools. Mais utilisez-vous ces outils à leur plein potentiel? Savez-vous pourquoi et comment configurer les objectifs et le suivi des ventes en ligne? Connaissez-vous les avantages à lier Analytics, Adwords et Webmasters Tools?

Je vous propose je voir les options possibles et de nombreux trucs afin d’optimiser ces outils. Bien configurés, ils vous permettront d’obtenir des informations de grande valeur pour améliorer votre présence en ligne et vos conversions.

Une connaissance minimale de Google Analytics. La présentation ne sera pas axé sur l’aspect technique, mais bien sur les possibilités offertes avec des comptes et/ou plugins bien configurés.

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