WordPress Design Trends

What does the current WordPress design landscape look like? What are popular and upcoming design trends to look out for? We’ll take a look at the current WordPress design ecosystem and explore how it’s projected to change in the next year.

An interest in design! The talk is open to people of all levels of experience, but it’s going to be less of a lecture and more of a show-and-tell. It won’t teach you how to design, but it will give you a lot of examples of modern design built on and for WordPress and some of the really cool things WordPress can do.

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Typography, Web Fonts, and Your Site

Let’s talk fonts! We’ll take a brief look at the history of fonts on the web and best practices for typography. You’ll learn about some of the top font services available as well as methods and tools for implementing the right font for your WordPress site. Whether you prefer to work with plugins, theme options, or manual edits to the theme, you’ll walk away with some options for adding shiny new fonts to your site.

This talk is for anyone who wants to learn some basics about typography and get an overview of the various methods available for adding custom fonts to their WordPress site. From advanced coders to beginning bloggers, a wide audience can benefit from learning typography principles and best practices. Folks curious on how to modify fonts on their WP site will learn the options available for customizing at any comfort level.

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Beyond UX: Designing for Delight

Come and learn the secrets to designing a WordPress site (or a mobile app) that your audience will love. What do you need to include to ensure that visitors experience not just a user-friendly site, but one they actively enjoy? How do you create something they immediately want to share with their social networks? How do you satisfy repeat visitors, and keep them coming back for more?

Understand the business case for delight so that you can convince your team of it’s value and prove it’s worth to your clients.

Open to all levels: beginner to advanced. Designers, Bloggers, Businesses and Developers are all welcome.

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How to Create a Website that Doesn’t Suck (Using SMART Objectives, Personas and Wireframes)

How to create a website that doesn’t suck (using SMART objectives, personas and wireframes).

Set S.M.A.R.T Objectives for your personal or business WordPress site
Creating personas to represent your target and existing customers
Researching competitors and samples and creating a swipe file
Sketching a wireframe
Creating a wireframe using online tools

A clear idea of what you are trying to achieve and for whom. Both advanced developers and beginning bloggers can benefit from setting an effective website strategy to make sure their website achieves the intended objectives.

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Du contenu sur mesure (sur papier!)

Surchargez l’aspect de gestionnaire de contenu de WordPress.

La plupart du temps, vos clients ont besoin de présenter autre chose que des pages et des articles sur leurs sites. Que ce soient des livres, des éléments de portfolio, des films, des recettes ou des chats, ces contenus devraient être intégrés comme des Custom Post Types.

Comment planifier tout ce contenu? Comment est-ce qu’on le visualise?

Durant cette présentation, nous prendrons une approche « old school », analogue et sans une seule ligne de code. Nous verrons comment on peut bien se préparer avant même de commencer à coder. À l’aide de simples schémas que nous dessinerons nous -même, nous allons structurer tout notre contenu à l’avance.

Quand viendra le temps de coder notre extension ou notre thème, nous aurons quelques longueurs d’avance. Si c’est un développeur qui s’occupera du reste, il va nous adorer, car il saura exactement quels CPTs et quelles métadonnées il devra préparer.

S’il y a des intéressés, nous pourrons nous réunir après la présentation pour mettre en pratique ces concepts. Je vous montrerai comment faire le tout avec quelques extensions et quelques boucles de code sur mesure.

Comme nous ne traiterons que de concepts de structure d’information, les seuls préalables sont votre curiosité ainsi que votre désir de rendre la tâche facile pour vos webmestres et gestionnaires de contenu.

Voir les diapositives..